Distance Selling Agreement
This Agreement has been executed between the following parties under the terms and conditions stated below:
Name: Pella Global Real Estate Tourism Trade and Industry Limited Company
Address: Altıntaş Mah. 31116. Sok. No:1/B 17 Aksu / Antalya
Name: …………………………………….
Address: …………………………………….
By accepting this agreement, the BUYER acknowledges in advance that they are obligated to pay the price of the ordered product and any additional costs (such as shipping fees and taxes) upon confirming the order and have been informed accordingly.
For the purposes of the implementation and interpretation of this agreement, the terms listed below shall have the following meanings:
MINISTER: Refers to the Minister of Customs and Trade.
MINISTRY: Refers to the Ministry of Customs and Trade.
LAW: Refers to the Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection.
REGULATION: Refers to the Regulation on Distance Contracts.
SERVICE: Refers to any consumer transaction other than the supply of goods, performed or promised to be performed in exchange for a fee or benefit.
SELLER: Refers to the company offering goods to consumers as part of their commercial or professional activities or acting on behalf of or in the name of the provider.
BUYER: Refers to any real or legal person acquiring, using, or benefiting from goods or services for non-commercial or non-professional purposes.
WEBSITE: Refers to the website owned by the SELLER.
ORDERING PARTY: Refers to any real or legal person requesting a product or service via the SELLER's website.
PARTIES: Refers to both the SELLER and the BUYER.
PRODUCT: Refers to tangible movable items subject to shopping and intangible goods such as software, audio, video, and similar digital content prepared for use in electronic environments.
This Agreement regulates the rights and obligations of the parties concerning the sale and delivery of the product specified below, ordered by the BUYER via the SELLER's website, in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection and the Regulation on Distance Contracts.
Name/Title: Pella Global Real Estate Tourism Trade and Industry Limited Company
Address: Altıntaş Mah. 31116. Sok. No:1/B 17 Aksu / Antalya
Phone: +90(242)455-5308
Email/Username: info@pellaglobal.net
Name/Title: …………………………………….
Address: …………………………………….
Phone: …………………………………….
Email/Username: …………………………………….
7.1. Product Features
The main characteristics (type, quantity, brand/model, color, and number) of the product(s) or service are published on the SELLER's website. If the SELLER has organized a campaign, you can review the basic features of the relevant product during the campaign period. The campaign is valid until the specified date.
7.2. Prices
The prices listed and announced on the website are the sales prices. The announced prices and promises remain valid until they are updated or revised. Time-limited prices are valid until the end of the specified period.
8.1. The BUYER declares that they have read and acknowledged the preliminary information regarding the basic features, sale price, payment method, and delivery terms of the product(s) on the SELLER's website and has provided the necessary confirmation electronically.
8.2. For the delivery of the product subject to this agreement, a signed copy of this Agreement must be delivered to the SELLER, and the price must be paid using the payment method chosen by the BUYER. If the product price is not paid or canceled in the bank records for any reason, the SELLER shall be deemed released from the obligation to deliver the product.
8.3. If the BUYER's credit card is used unlawfully or without authorization by third parties, for reasons not attributable to the BUYER's fault, and the corresponding bank or financial institution fails to pay the product price to the SELLER, the BUYER must pay the product/package price to the SELLER again.
8.4. The SELLER reserves the right to change and cancel the content, scope, and features of all products sold through the website.
8.5. By completing the order, the BUYER is deemed to have accepted all terms of this Agreement.
Either party wishing to terminate this Agreement must notify the other party in writing of their intent to terminate. Such notice must be provided at least sixty (60) days in advance. During the termination period, both parties must continue to fulfill the requirements of this Agreement and maintain their obligations and responsibilities without interruption.
10.1. Resolution through Negotiation:
Any disputes or disagreements arising from this Agreement shall first be attempted to be resolved amicably through negotiations between the parties. Both parties shall act in good faith and cooperate to resolve disputes promptly and effectively.
10.2. Court Jurisdiction:
If amicable negotiations fail to resolve the dispute, the matter shall be brought before the courts. In such cases, the Courts of Antalya and Antalya Enforcement Offices shall have jurisdiction. The parties agree to accept the jurisdiction of Antalya Courts and comply with court decisions in such matters.